Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Our organization's mission statement

As a provincial organization offering Early Intervention services in the homes of children and their families for birth to kindergarten, l'association Intervention Precoce du NB/The New Brunswick Early Intervention Association's goals are:
1. Provide a united voice for association members
2. Assure links between members
3. Plan Provincial training events
4. Exchange information among members.

This "blog" has been started to address goals #2 and #4 for the most part. It provides an easily accessible place where we can all see what's going on with your association as well as allowing you to comment on the "post". So make sure to check back often and make your opinion known.
As well , if you hear of any upcoming conferences or workshops that may be of interest to the other Early Interventionists around the program, send the information along and we will make sure that it get posted to the blog.

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