Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Proposition pour le comité de travail/Proposition for the working committee

Voici la proposition faite par Paula Gautreau lors de notre AGA 2007,

À l'exécutif de l'AIPNB de la part de l'équipe des intervenantes du centre Early Childhood Stimulation Inc.,

Nous proposons les deux points suivants:
1) En réponse au plan d'action proposé par M. Lamrock, nous l'invitons à collaborer avec notre association pour éviter des duplications de service pour arriver à offrir un service de qualité en travaillant ensemble.

2)En réponse aux recommendations de la révision des initiative à la petite enfance, nous écrivons au gouvernement pour insister sur une représentation proportionnelle sur le comité de travail:1 membre de l'exécutif de l'AIPNB et un minimum de 1 intervenante.

En réponse au point 2 de la proposition, la lettre suivante fut envoyée. Nous attendons maintenant une réponse par écrit de la part de M Jeff den Otter.
Here is the proposition made by Paula Gautreau during our 2007 AGM.

To the executive of NBEIA on behalf of Early Childhood Stimulation Inc., specifically the team of interventionists,

we propose the following points:
1)That in response to the plan of action proposed by Mr. Lamrock, we invite him to collaborate with our association to avoid duplication of services and succeed in prevision of quality service provision together.

2)That in response to the recommendations set forth in the review of the Early Childhood Initiatives outcomes the Association write to the governement to insist of proportionate representation on the working committees being:1 member of the executive of NBEIA and a minimum of 1 interventionist.

Here is the letter that the NBEIA sent to Mr Jeff den Otter to respond to item number 2 of the proposition. We are now waiting for a written response to this letter.


June 11th 2007

Jeff den Otter
Consultant for Early Childhood and School-Based Services
Department of Family and Community Services
Sartain MacDonald Building
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5H1

Request for representation on Early Intervention Redesign Team

The New Brunswick Early Intervention Association held its Annual General Meeting on June 7th in Miramichi this year.

A proposition was made to the executive of the NBEIA/AIPNB on behalf of Early Childhood Stimulation Inc., specifically the team of interventionists, that in response to the recommendations set forth in the review of the Early Childhood Initiatives outcomes the Association writes to the government to insist on proportionate representation on the Early Intervention Redesign Team being; one member of the executive of the NBEIA/AIPNB and, a minimum of one interventionist that would represent the reality of our work. This proposition was seconded, and then voted on. The proposition was accepted almost unanimously.

Therefore, as president of the NBEIA/AIPNB speaking as a united voice for our members, I am sending you this request that an interventionist be chosen by us to represent us on The Early Intervention Redesign Team.

Thank you for taking interest in this matter.

Yours truly,

Renée Doucet, President

CC: Sheila Bulmer
Consultant for Early Childhood and School-Based Services

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